After Adie was accused, she refused to give up the names of other witches so they wouldnt suffer the harsh treatment she received. Good fortune to you and to all. Please can you help , Im interested in unlocking my inner self . A well-known bearer was Ann Foster a 75-year-old widow accused of witchcraft during the Salem witch trials. After she left, supernatural phenomena occurred, leading to her accusation of witchcraft and sorcery. If so, how do you honor them? I have not been able to prove this without a shadow of a doubt. Regina started as the Evil Queen but later became the Good Queen when she used her magic to help instead of harm. If your surname is Granger, your mind may be your strongest power. A fictional namesake is Jesus Velzquez a brujo or a powerful sorcerer of Mexican descent in the Trueblood TV series. Luckily she had money and powers seen and unseen. Its also an English habitational name for people from places called Earley throughout England. I have always had a a strong curiosity and pull toward witches. It has nothing to do with your bloodline or ancestry and is not biologically inherited. Residents of her home in Leonardtown, Maryland, say she still haunts the land, searching for the men who caused her death. She was the only member of the nobility executed for sorcery in Denmark. Giles Corey and his wife, Martha Corey, were accused of witchcraft during the Salem witch trials. I am a medium, and I feel that she never wanted any part of those trials, and had great sympathy for those who perished. Stay tuned. Cunningham is a powerful witch surname for a modern sorcerer. Im still trying to piece together whether the Bruces of the witch trials of Scotland are of the same relation. She was also a Towne. Having a witch in your ancestral line does not make you a hereditary witch. Its witch association comes from Lilas Adie, a Scottish woman accused of witchcraft and dealing with the devil. Researching Early American Witch Ancestors. Thank you for sharing!!! You have to remember when researching that many families changed the spellings of their names when they immigrated to the US. Her daughter was also charged, jailed and but she was found guilty. Check the bottom of the Wikipedia pages for the Bibliography section. Next youll want to build your family tree online at ancestry or elsewhere and search for an ancestor to confirm. If your surname is FitzGerald, you may be related to the famous wizards. From the fifteenth to the eighteenth the centuries, many Europeans developed a heightened concern with the phenomenon of witchcraft, seeing a new sect hostile to humanity. Someone who uses herbs to heal, pendulums to divine messages, and practices folk magic might have been a healer, pellar, conjurer, or cunningfolk back then, but today we might label them as a witch. This is not the sort of platform I would have ever communicate on but when needs must !! Alita - "Winged one." Althea - "Healer." Alvin/Alvina - "Elf." My family was from Scotland mainly but I do have German and English as well. Her name means "witch, evil woman, fury", all things I value! If not, what you'll do is write down your family's last names - your last name (which is typically your father's), your mothe. Do you have a family tree you can access? Bill Compton from True Blood. Halliwell is a charming option among our witch last names, derived from the Old English halig (holy) combined with well (well, spring). Abigail Barker great grand-daughter here- now I know and thats empowering. Stay tuned. Ivm from the Nederlands and i know the name s are frome my moms site of the famly..i learnd to heale white plants and ather thinks from my grandmother quite often..sow now i know its in my to know. Aine - "Radiance." Queen of the fairies in Celtic lore. I know women with the surname of Erikson or Ericsson. Jackson was initially an English surname for a son of Jack. After some research, it looks like Im a descendant in the direct line. Names were gathered from public documentation of Witch Trials and folklore books. Granger is derived from the Old French grangier, ultimately from the Latin granum (grain). Some witch bearers were Joan, Margaret, and Philippa Flower, also known as the Witches of Belvoir. There were also witch-hunts during the 17th century in the American colonies. The first post includes witch bloodline names from Scotland, Salem MA, Germany, Switzerland, []. A witch bearer was Violet Mar a Scottish woman accused of using sorcery, witchcraft, and spirits to bring down Regent Morton, the ruler of Scotland. Thanks for the info. Many of the accused witches plead guilty to lessen their sentence, be freed, or they were tortured into confessing. Merry Meet and Blessed Be! Its witchcraft association comes from Bridget Cleary a woman killed by her husband because she was thought to have been replaced by a fairy changeling. Merri meet, A fictional bearer is Regina Mills the powerful sorceress from the T.V. A few of my relatives were killed at Salem Susannah Martin was my Great Grandmom. His last name is Langford, though. This was originally a nickname for a gambler. Peace and please always use your abilities to manifest positive energy never negative. Hibbins is a badass surname derived from the ancient Germanic hild (battle) combined with brand (sword). Thanks, A famous bearer was Gentile Budrioli, a skilled healer who became a counselor for Bolognas ruler Giovanni II Bentivoglio in the late 1400s. Device is an odd choice among our last names for witches, ultimately derived from the Latin divis (divided). Perhaps it is the way they carry out their incantions or maybe just not enough people really know about them.My mothers family comes from decendants of the craft way back.My great, great grandfather was tasked to bring down the witches that would steal the cinnamon tree branches, so the ability to stop or allow the passage through the Cinnamon tree orchards was very important to the town as this was one of the major money makers for the town and the people that lived there.I know it might sound a little bit odd but the value of cinnamon back in those days is equivalent to the Vanilla Bean today.Witches were drawn to the tree groves and still to this day most witches utilize cinnamon for their incantations. Later her daughters testified against her, leading to a guilty verdict and execution in 1676. That which we call a rose. About 65 percent of the accused were over the age of 40. The witch association comes from Maria Pauer the last person executed for witchcraft in Austria. She is said to have foretold many events, such as the Great Plague of London, the execution of Mary Queen of Scots, and the internet. Hexerei, of course, is the art of black magic. As in most of Western civilization, there has long existed and still exist among the Germanic Dutch people a belief in white and black magic. Witch Bloodline Names from . I suggest researching everything you can about that particular witch ancestor. The names of witches are an intriguing topic. You can see how Davidson families moved over time by selecting different census years. Study your ancestors ways, wherever they are from. I havent read any Putnam names burned at the stake in Salem. Dont worry at least you dont have the Bell Witch as a ancestor. & yet no Bennett or Brown. Unfortunately, she was eventually accused of witchcraft, leading to her execution in 1498. If your last name is Aradia, you may have powerful magic coursing through your veins. A famous bearer is Dion Fortune, a British occultist who co-founded a magical society called the Fraternity of the Inner Light. It is possible that some of these people were witches at the most basic level because some were considered wise men or women who used herbs to heal and divination to help find lost objects, etc. If youve ever wondered if you descend from a line of witches, you could be right! Thus, governments and society organized "hunts" for these alleged witches: accusing, torturing, and executing thousands of . In 1840 there were 194 Davidson families living in Ohio. Florence "Goody" Newton was a beggar whose crime was to call to the house of John Pyne, a Youghal nobleman, during Christmas 1660 to ask for a piece of beef out . She's written on a plethora of topics and enjoys the diversity of her work. Genealogy has gotten pretty sophisticated in recent years. Its ultimately derived from the Irish word dubh (dark, black). Junius, Johannes: of Bamberg, executed as a witch, on 6 August, 1628 Jung, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629. Explore. Fact is we all posses the abilities, recognizing it and knowing it is truth ,fact, is most likely the first and hardest step in being able to harness and control the abilities to use it or manifest by use of it. Ive already planned everything, it remains for me to settle down to do my research. Sanders is a famous witch last name, born by Alex Sanders an English occultist and High Priest in the modern Pagan religion of Wicca. Flanagan is suitable for an evil witch who delves into dark magic. My family is from Scotland, Ireland and Germany. Some witch surnames are common, while others are scarce. Kiefer Sutherland has a super-long name. The most Weiss families were found in USA in 1920. Gemini I know you willI wonder do you have blue eyes? A perfect surname for a witch residing in a valley or another isolated area. series Once Upon a Time. The Bennett witches migrated from . Clearly was a confident witch. Seftons best-known bearer is the fictional witch Amanda Sefton, created by Marvel Comics. Harry Potter is a kind and powerful wizard who sacrifices himself to save others from evil. Osborne is derived from the Old English os (god) combined with beorn (warrior, man). The following image is a family tree of every prince, king, queen, monarch, confederation president and emperor of Germany, from Charlemagne in 800 over Louis the German in 843 through to Wilhelm II in 1918. Sherman was initially an occupational surname meaning shear man for a person who cut cloth. As you are gemini so is she. Jareth - mystic goblin king from The Labyrinth. Check your familial names on the witch bloodline names lists here. She was accused by Francis Sandsbury, an indentured servant who worked on her and her husbands land. She had a terrible end, burned at the stake in 1591. Bishop is derived from the Greek episkopos (overseer). Soon after, mass hysteria broke out among the Puritan population of New England. I offer a service where I look at your magical ancestors origins including if there are any witches or magical folks in your line. She was found a few days later, frozen to a large stone. A fictional bearer is Bonnie Bennett the powerful and compassionate witch from The Vampire Diaries. The original post boasts witch bloodline names out of Scotland, Salem MA, Germany, Switzerland, Scandinavia, and you may Italy. My father was the same. West German Shepherds are a popular working line choice, they also make great family pets if their owners invest enough time in them. The largest group of convicted witches in England were nine Lancashire witches sent to the gallows in 1612, and nineteen witches hanged at Chelmsford in 1645. She claimed to have learned occult powers from her mistress in Barbados, who taught her how to ward off evil spirits. Best to you..key thing to remember is you need not believe you can do have to know and once you know which comes from within your being not your mind and there Id your answer. Bradbury is a charming last name for witches, associated with Mary Bradbury a Salem witch who was said to transform into a blue boar and cast spells over ships. Matsdotter is associated with Malin Matsdotter an alleged Swedish witch accused of witchcraft in the late 1600s. Same line ? Gandalf - good grey wizard from The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings. Alice Nutter was an English woman accused and executed for witchcraft during the Pendle witch hunt. The power is more like a connection in your bloodline to all and everything around you. He escaped from jail and later wrote a detailed recollection of his trials. Privacy Statement It could also be a badass option for a sorceress with dark red hair. Intro to the Tradition, Beliefs, and Practices, Is Witchcraft in Your Blood? She was accused at Salem along with her sister, Mary Bridges. Horne was initially an occupational surname for someone who played the horn or lived near a horn-shaped geological site. Witches are famous for living in cottages in the woods, making Foster suitable for a forest-dwelling witch. No one was burnt in Salem. Its also the masculine form of the Greek Cora the maiden name for Persephone, the goddess of spring, destruction, and the dead. Most of the victims were hanged, one pressed to death with rocks. Also from Appalachian and Ozark folklore books. Anne Palles is a famous bearer of this witch surname, as the last woman legally executed for sorcery in Denmark. I have traced myself back all the way to not only Samuel Wardwell but also to William Griggs. One bearer was Dame Alice Kyteler a wealthy moneylender accused of witchcraft in Ireland. My maiden name is Barrett Im really interested in my history . A. I dont cast spells, but do pray fairly often. Abigail was a powerful woman controlling her husbands estate, which garnered resentment and led to the accusation. Salem, that village whose name is synonymous with witch hysteria, had a rival in the panic of the 1600's and it was Hartford, Connecticut. Certain individuals are more prevailent than others. At least 2,000 people were killed for being witches before the Act was repealed in 1736. Dorcas Hoar was a widow accused of witchcraft during the Salem witch trials. My mothers maiden name was Parker, her father was from the Rhondda , her Mother was a Gilbert /Hancock from Devon and came from a long line of what my grandmother called mystics . She was accused of witchcraft after she told King James VI what he had said to his wife on his wedding night, which she could not have known. My name isnt Bernauer, but my family has always lived in a village rather close to Bernau. Some witch last names are rarer than others, with Wildblood, Zippel, and Zdunk being some of the strangest. Fowler was initially an occupational name for a birdcatcher, derived from the Old English fugol (bird). John Willard was a constable in Salem who was executed during the witch trials. Redd is a creepy last name for a witch interested in dark sorcery or blood magic. Kyteler is derived from the Old Norse ketill (cauldron) which are large pots used by witches to make potions in fiction and folklore. In Deborah Harknesss book series All Souls Trilogy, Diana Bishop is an intelligent academic who rejects her witch heritage. That Act was vague, both in its definition of witchcraft and in how to identify witchcraft. Maybe Ill use it to find out more information when I finally live in Scotland. Check your familial names on the witch bloodline names lists here. And, according to one descendant of the Bell family, the witch herself remains a part of the family's life. The thing is if you go back far enough in time, everyone had pagan ancestors, some of whom were priests and priestesses. A famous bearer was Moll Dyer a legendary witch chased out of her home on a cold winters night. Burnette Saxifrage - An herb that in folklore is said to protect you from death by eating or drinking it. There were also healers, herbalists, and wise men and women who were labeled as witches in the name of superstition. Rivers Woods Petal Moonlight Hart Woods Stones Norwood Weathers Morgan, Johnson, Farrell, and Giles are some of the most well-known witches' last names. Most witches were tortured into a confession. If you have any information about the bell witch will you please email me, hi do you live in TN, I live in TN and there is so so much information available. Palles is derived from the ancient Latin personal name Paulus (small). Id love to connect. Repond is a famous option among our witch surnames, associated with Catherine Repond one of the last women executed for witchcraft in Switzerland. Build a family tree and research your familial last names against witch trial lists. But for the moment, I did not even try to find out if my name was related to a line of witches or not. The names below are taken from Connecticut, Maryland, and New York witch trial documentation. In this database, well scratch the surface of other American witch surnames from elsewhere in the United States. Laurie Cabot was a self-identified witch who opened the Witch Shoppe in Salem in 1971. John Shearer/Getty Images. We have strong magic in our family, even if it has been abused or neglected by a generation or two. First-born witches in this bloodline possess devastating power.Dahlia to Klaus in City Beneath The Sea Dahlia and Esther's Family is an ancient bloodline of very powerful Nordic witches that goes back at least a thousand years, and is notable for boasting not one but two witches who have been stated to be among the "most powerful in history". When you shop through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. In American folklorist Charles Lelands book, The Gospel of Witches, Aradia is a sorceress worshiped by pagan witches in Tuscany. A bearer was Roger Toothaker, a healer who specialized in detecting and punishing witches. He was also a talented healer who often helped the sick. Merry meet!!!! A well-known bearer is Rebecca Nurse an initially well-respected woman accused of witchcraft and killed during the 1692 Salem Witch Trials. Susannah Goody North married George Martin, they are my so many times great grandparents. Ive been told that The Ravenscrafts where witches as well but I dont see the name listed here Do you know anything about the Ravenscrafts? We don't know when he was sired exactly, but we can assume he was at least two . Device is an excellent surname for a good witch with healing powers. Nutters tragic story has been used in several novels and plays. All who were accused and found guilty, those who were executed and those who escaped or died in prison. Hi, thank you for listing the family names of those whose lives were altered forever one way or another because of gross intolerance. 3 Alonso De Salazar Frias. A fancy surname for a dark sorceress. Yes, many family names are changed when immigrating to the US. Of the estimated 90,000 individuals prosecuted for witchcraft in Europe, at least 30,000 and possibly as many as 45,000 came from the Germanies, roughly encompassed at the time by the Holy Roman Empire and nearby territories. Here, Quedlinburg, a dazzling medieval town untouched by World War II, is a place. Eastey originates from Kent at Eastry a parish and ancient Saxon village dating back to the 9th-century. During the Salem witch trials, Abigail Faulkner was accused of being a witch. die Hexerei - witchcraft die Hebamme - midwife der Vampirismus - vampirism der Kindermord - child murder foltern - to torture der Dmon - demon die Armut - poverty der Teufel - devil die Salbe - ointment schrecklich - frightful gottlos - unholy ('godless') die Zauberei - sorcery/magic der Eid - oath die Wahrheit - truth die Legende - legend Henot is an uncommon surname, with most bearers living in Belgium and France. A future witch named Duncan may remove the names wicked reputation. Hope this helps somewhat. Waterhouse was initially a locational name for a house by a lake, river, or ocean. And for that I also do some research on my family, especially my fathers family because I dont really know them and my genealogy at this side. Burroughs is a strong surname for a powerful sorcerer. I barely scratched the surface of the witch bloodline names in America and Europe, so please stay tuned. Any help I can get on thoes names would be amazing. Plus the Putnam name is associated with the accusers, not the actual witches. In Scotland, at least, the swimming test,known as indicium aquae, was rare. Thats fallen away now and my witchy self is stronger than ever. If youve ever wondered if you descend from a line of. Lestat de Lioncourt from The Vampire Chronicles. I have Ayers, Parker, and Langdon lineage. Im trying to dig into it but my dad has always been a mystery to me and lots of things were kept in secrecy. The German shepherd was originally bred to be a working dog with handsome features. Record your findings in your journal, BOS, or in your family tree! Pennsylvania had the highest population of Weiss families in 1840. East German vs. West German Shepherd Bloodlines. If this generates enough interest, I will also write an article on witch ancestors from all over the world. Wardwell contains the word ward associated with witches who ward off evil spirits. THE KILLINGS OF "WITCHES" The following are all documented incidents in the killings of "witches." ONLY incidents solely relating to witchcraft accusations have been included. My dads side of the family comes from Hawaii, and I know that both my dad, & my grandfather have told me that my grandmother, and my great-grandma, (my grandmas mom) where both witches. Also its not a religion, no worship to Gods and dieties, that is the persons personal beliefs. Namesakes: Merga Bien, a German woman convicted of witchcraft during the Fulda witch trials (1603 to 1605). The most Davidson families were found in USA in 1880. In the legends of King Arthur, Morgan Le Fay was a powerful sorceress, healer, and shape-shifter who was sometimes good and sometimes evil. Wow i never new there were sow much ancestors one the list from northern Europa. Many of my ancestors were burned at the stake Why wouldnt this list include the Putnam name? She was either 13 or 17 when accused (sources disagree) and unmarried. She admitted being a witch and having a cat as her familiar. Ive combined the two (German and Swiss) because of proximity. For example Earlys are from Ireland, Fosters are from England, etc. Check out the names of the German and Swiss witch bloodlines below. Catemaco, Mexico is literally full of very good witches. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to If you have one of the Salem witches names in your family, you could be a descendant from the Salem witch bloodline. Its only advice and the good part is that its free and always will be from me. Johns only true crime was being wealthy and successful, which garnered the resentment of his neighbors. But. Sarah Bridges (later Preston, then Price) is not listed. Just in time for Witch's Night (Halloween that is, not Walpurgisnacht),Londons Wellcome Library, which specializes in medical text and history, has digitizedManuscript 3658, Names of Witches in Scotland, 1658. But I believe you dont necessarily need outside help ,the answer lies within your ownself to unblocking your chakras look deeper within while concentrating on freeing your mind or opening your third eye or pineal glanddeeper meditation or trance state of being is what will allow you what you seek. Christenze Kruckow a Danish noblewoman accused of being a witch is one of the most famous bearers. And obviously my curiosity with the craft has been on my mind and ive wondered about my family which lead me to this site. Flanagan is a spooky option among our witch last names, found in Ireland and several other English-speaking countries. | Witches are known for using herbs and other natural concoctions in their potions, making this surname especially appropriate. The Witch Trials in Ireland were fewer than those elsewhere in Europe, but they still happened. I am related to Bruce as well. Birgitta is a mythical choice among our witch last names, associated with Lasses Birgitta an alleged Swedish witch during the 1500s who entered a church courtyard to awaken the dead. Namesakes: Catherine Monvoisin, a French professional fortune-teller and provider of sorcery among the aristocracy, accused of killing 1,000 people. I found an old tombstone in Texas with Handcock, written on it. Her last name was Ferguson from Scotland and I understood that she came from a line of witches, but I am not certain as the family do not want to talk about it do you know. Sarah confessed, was found not guilty, and later exonerated anyway. Cuchulain in Battle" by Joseph Christian Leyendecker (1874 - 1951) shows the famous Irish warrior flanked by a crow, often thought to be a manifestation of the Morrgan or badh. Im having issues with a few chakras being blocked.. By the way, Im a full Gemini.. Good Vibes! 2023 Smithsonian Magazine This spooky title is well-suited for a wicked witch with malicious intentions. Perfect for a witch or wizard with red hair. Monvoisin is a fancy surname for witches, well-suited for a sorceress in high society. In the TV series Supernatural, Rowena MacLeod is an evil witch and the mother of Crowley. If so, finding your witch ancestors will be easy. Often Wikipedia pages with information on the Witch Trials have taken their information from books and other resources. Im 1/16th Irish and I dont see the Family McFadden in the list. Amanda Seftons powers change over time, with the ability to shapeshift, teleport, and hypnotize, along with other extraordinary skills. Im confused. Started books and spells at an early age. I also have Porter in my lines and a few others. Title character of an opera by Handel. I am the 11th great granddaughter of John Proctor. Learning about these witch last names will tell you whether or not you have witches in your bloodline. C) The original created Eves the first hybrid woman, was the mother of all black-skinned peoples of Africa. A sad name for witches everywhere. New brands below are taken from Connecticut, Maryland, and you can Ny witch demonstration paperwork. She managed to go free and start over in NY state after CT ran her out. Campbell.. porter.boyman. Perhaps you will embrace the magic inside you, too. According to a press release,the bound book contains the names of the accused, their town and notes about their confessions, which likely took place under some sort of torture. For Sex Witches TarcherPerigee 'Sacred Sex: The Magick and Path of the Divine Erotic'. The Spellmans were a family of witches in the popular 90s TV show Sabrina The Teenage Witch. Sample Page; ; Her and I dated for nearly 5 years before we parted ways but in those five years I was educated in some truth on this matter of witchcraft sorcery or however one may describe it. You are Poldi Breschfeld, a simple You live with your brother on your small farm which you inherited from your parents. The WITCH HUNTS( A.D. 1400-1800)Main Contents Page. We have always been witches. She was later found not guilty and set free. Her husbands, my grandfathers, family came over from England to Plymouth and then to Salem. I dont know if this is true or not, because my grandmother on my dads side was brutally murdered on Halloween night, & this was before I was born!!! Some modern Wiccans honor Aradia as the Queen of the Witches. They were hung or pressed to death, with any number also dying in the prison of the usual ailments associated with imprisonment at that time. Edward Cullen from Twilight. Toothaker is derived from the German Todtenacker a word for a burying ground or Churchyard. Kent, Margaret: tried for . She was one of the main characters in William Ainsworths gothic novel, The Lancashire Witches. Both my grandmas wrote intricate cursive as do I to a lesser extent. Its a little complicated, Im not very good at it, my mother doesnt know much about my paternal family, I dont know them and my father died when I was little. Geralt - monster hunter from The Witcher. This along with accusations of treason and adultery led to her beheading in 1536. Today, its hereditary, given to people of all occupations (including witches). Its often associated with Samatha Stephens a fictional witch from the popular American fantasy sitcom, Bewitched. Cabot is well suited for a witch in high society. She later embraces her magical powers, becoming one of the most powerful sorcerers in the world. Contrary to popular legend, the Survey found that folk healers and widows only made up a fraction of the accused witches. The elders of your family will always tell you. Like certain herbs may do it or certain sounds or music or possibly a chemical to change your state of mind I dont know your exact thing it will take to get to the altered state of trance to balance your chakras you have to try various things to obtain what u are seeking. He later noticed that Catherine Repond had the same injuries as the fox and accused her of shapeshifting and sorcery. My mothers side was Germany, though. Buy Book Anunnaki Legacy of the Gods (Anunnaki Gods No More) Note: the Adam's were of lighter skin tones than were the hybrids known as the Woman `Eve'.The Adams and the Eves all naturally have Rh-positive blood, connecting them to the Earth.