YY Lee COO of FirstRain on DM Radio Broadcast Central Tomorrow
YY Lee, our COO, will be on DM Radio this Thursday talking about our real-time information discovery platform and the business insights that can be drawn from it.
This author has yet to write their bio.Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud Danielle Ricci contributed a whooping 391 entries.
YY Lee, our COO, will be on DM Radio this Thursday talking about our real-time information discovery platform and the business insights that can be drawn from it.
Very exciting news! FirstRain’s personal business analytics and customer intelligence will now be available within IBM Connections with Firstrain sharing.
FirstRain has been added to IDC’s Private Vendor Watchlist, our predictive analytics and real-time information discovery platform bringing us even more notoriety.
FirstRain is excited to join the discussions around real-time information discovery platforms this year while we sponsor SIIA’s Buying and Selling Content conference in New York.
For our business insights and our willingness to go off of the beaten path, FirstRain is proud to become one of Enterprise Management Associates (EMA) Vendor to Watch.
Ritu Parihar, one of FirstRain’s software engineers in tools engineering, gives her thoughts about the take-aways form this year’s Grace Hopper Conference, India Edition.
For our sales and marketing intelligence as well as our news and analytics, FirstRain is Smart Selling Tools newsletter’s “Tool of the Week” this week!
FirstRain’s COO YY Lee shares her expertise & insights with trying to add personalization into a predictive analytics product in her at Big Data TechCon class.
YY Lee, COO of FirstRain, discusses the arguments & issues brought up around gender-equity at this year’s Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing conference.
New York Times journalist Adam Bryant chats with Penny about her experiences & advise as a personal business analytics company’s CEO in this week’s “The Corner Office”.