Monitoring the business and economic impact of Japan’s earthquake
We are all shocked and saddened by the terrible events in Japan over the last two weeks, and our thoughts are with the people of Northern Japan impacted by the tsunami. We have also been watching the impact of this disaster on the world’s markets and the potential disruption to products and supply chains and realize that these disruptions may impact our customer’s businesses and investment strategies.
It is our objective to help our customers quickly and easily see the critical developments that impact their industries and businesses – using our patented categorization technology to report the right, relevant content. So in a economic disruption on the scale of Japan’s tragedy we can provide a business monitor to help everyone – customers or otherwise – keep track of the impact of the disruption on Japan’s key markets.
Our new monitor – Eye on Japan’s Economy™ – is available to everyone. You can sign up here:
Sign me up for Eye on Japan’s Economy™
Eye on Japan’s Economy™ covers disruptive market developments such as the Auto Industry, Base Metal Trends, the Semiconductor Industry and the Oil & Gas Industry Outlook, to name just a few of the topics covered.
If your business is impacted by the terrible events of March 11 we hope this new monitor will help you manage through the next few months by providing you with information on Japan’s economic developments as they happen.