We’re in sales training all day today and Keith McCullough of Research Edge came to talk to the sales team about the “tectonic shift” that is happening in investment research today and why he loves our service.
He gave us two terrific concepts that apply to our role in the shift.
1. “the edge is in the question – what question you ask and when you ask it”. It’s no longer speed, it’s no longer whisper, it’s about having the rigorous research process that you ask the question at the right time. FirstRain in the process stimulates continuous, valuable questions.
2. “the internet is the disintermediator”. He thinks there is a generational change happening. Technology is dramatically changing the way people get information. Why did Obama beat the Clintons? (whatever your politics Obama took a new, tactical, technology driven approach). It’s Google vs. the ad agencies – the old style is “coming down” and whole industries are being rebuilt – and Wall St is one of them.
Very inspiring stuff for our sales people. Keith is one of the very high performers on the street – well known for his performance – so he has great credibility with my team. He told them they are selling a hot product, on the leading edge, creating a market as the industry goes through radical change – heady stuff.