Lt. General (Ret.) Where is the only power point against all this? (Papal Bulls of 1495 & 1493), 24. I have no reason to lie to you about any of this and you can easily observe it and look it up and prove it for yourselves. In sum total, at the end of this process, you have: (1) damning conclusive evidence of their wrong-doing against a baby; (2) proof of your ownership of your name and your standing; (3) proof of your political status; (4) proof that you are the only authorized Power of Attorney; (5) proof that any "vessels" related to you stand under the Public Law and are not subject to any presumption or interpretation otherwise. But, you can learn all about your strawman. Regis from Queen or Crown. Tell your friends, your neighbors --- literally all your "countrymen". (Treaty of Versailles-July 16, 1782 Treaty of Peace 8 Stat 80), 17. Get those certified Birth Certificates ordered. According to Russell, this is their new backdoor trick. All State Trusts, all Territorial States of States, and all Municipal STATES OF STATES, are under our liens as the Priority Creditors, and do not belong to any Secondaries purportedly acting for us. Instead of "sailing" under the auspices of the British Territorial Government or the Municipal Government of Washington, DC, you are now demonstrably sailing under the auspices of Maine or California or whatever other actual land and soil jurisdiction State. They have been purposefully creating "public trusts" and operating those public trusts "in our names" for the express purpose of misrepresenting us, stealing our identities, siphoning off our assets, and racking up debt against our assets. Affinity For Life 1.43K subscribers Subscribe 808 30K views 6 years ago A quick video on what your strawman is and the fraud associated with. Now, what are you going to do with it / about it? VIS COMPULSIVA Correct the Deed. It is not going to change until you make it change. And how could a little baby be aware of a contract made "for" him when he was only a few days old, by a new Mother who was never given full disclosure about those papers she was signing at the hospital? Instead, they've been colluding to evade their obligations under the Constitutions. Now think about that, and know that Your Government is what guarantees these results. March 2019 Those foreign governments are under contract to provide us with certain enumerated "governmental services". -- the IMF supposedly pays the US Treasury around $600,000. A baby is not a new car. An action; a right or claim.2. As a result, all our mothers were admitted as patients and gave birth to a dead "person" carrying our Given Names. It all sounds bizzare, doesn't it? So where you have commerce and money, you also have justice and injury. Streamlined Processes It has come to our attention that unknown Agents are attempting to register land assets belonging to The United States of America. A prejudicial disposition toward a discernible, usu. Proof Of Non-Consent Then you. The good news is we dont have to fulfill our. Tuition: $79.oo USD October 2018 138-178), 10. This gives you a superior claim in commerce, and since all this fraud, theft, and legal chicanery is taking place in the realm of commerce, that is an important point. The Power of the Paperwork -- Private v. Public Ownership, The Great Fraud of Today Part One: The Corruption of the Judicial Branch, Educate Yourself - The Differences Between Common Law & Maritime Law & What They Are,, Roll Call! CQV Act 1666 Reclaim Ownership of Your Name. Birth Certificate Fraud are you new to this information? I act only in the capacity of a Lawful Person and lawful owner of American State vessels that are permanently domiciled on the land and soil of _______. It is an Eternal Shame that any Church has colluded to Dishonor the Covenant between Mankind and our Creator. Send it Registered Mail, Return Receipt Requested, so that you have proof you sent it and proof you objected to having your Given Name used and abused in this fashion, and that you want their cooperation in ending this venal practice. HE is an "Enemy Combatant". This then affected our ability to own land in the states, because "foreigners" can't actually live here, they can only "reside" here. Read carefully the Deed to the property you think is yours. LANGUAGE-OF-BABYLON It is a Maxim of Law that "as a THING is bound, so it is unbound". Wake Up, Please, and Tell Me----- Are You A Puerto Rican? Boot it up. And a lie however it is expressed is still a lie. Get moving. We know how they profited themselves illegally and immorally and in flagrant disrespect of the Public Law. So, instead of there being evidence of a living man standing on the land jurisdiction of a State of the Union, doing business as a Lawful Person named "John Mark Doe", there is only evidence of a Legal Person (a British United States Citizen) operating as "John Mark Doe". When you come home to the land and soil that bore you, and start breathing as a free woman or man again, you will remember the American Dream and you will no longer bear the burdens of Federal (US) citizenship. We are slaves and own absolutely nothing, NOT even what we think are our children. just as ships are given berth Certificates at the Dock. So first you claim it, then you domicile it, then you dispose of it as you will. You are given a "certificate" in exchange for "registering" something. Our identity has been stolen. Unfortunately, most Americans have been playing Chess while their employees have been playing Parcheesi --- which requires you to learn the new game, which then ultimately allows you to either (1) win the game, and/or (2) flip the table and play whatever game you want to play. Land And Soil Jurisdiction "the" United States And "the" United States Of America Inc. UNDERSTANDING CESTUI QUE VIE ACT 1666 EXISTENCE OF LIFE Straw Man Beginnings, UNDERSTANDING CESTUI QUE VIE ACT 1666 EXISTENCE OF LIFE - Straw Man Beginnings. (Bened. --- you give up your ownership interest in it and pass the ownership interest on to the "entity" that you register it with. See the enclosed Final Re-Assignment: 2019-011557-3, UCC Financing Statement Amendment, Recording District 500, UCC Central File. What's more important than what we have just described for you? a US government agency. April 2019 Baby Deed You look the DA in the eye and you say, "I am not presenting this certificate for any purpose of identification. Copies enclosed. (back then operating in Admiralty law, the law of the sea, so lost at sea). This predates their claim by a few days or weeks, so you are finally identified as the true party of interest and Holder in Due Course. "US Citizenship" ---- Why Won't You Believe That You Have Made a Wrong Assumption? The FCC, CIA, FBI, NASA and all of the other alphabet gangs, part of the U.S. government, even though the U.S. Property Taxes By creating a controversy you become liable for the case. And again --- why is all this necessary? HOW TO SIGN YOUR SIGNATURE WITHOUT LIABILITY (b) DoD ID cards shall serve as the Geneva Convention Card for eligible personnel in accordance with DoD Instruction 1000.1, Identity Cards Required by the Geneva Convention And All Veterans at age 60 are entitled to a pension and medical benefits (via the DOD not the VA). It's a substitute government run by two Federal subcontractors. And they have hired troupes of actors wearing black robes and mercenaries wearing your own uniforms, waving your own flags, using your own money and assets to enforce these slave-owner claims against you. Municipal Citizen Of The United States Existence Of Life So, we noticed what was wrong a long time ago. You will have little or no reason to ever visit their courts. While the private secret trusts of the private central banks cannot be directly addressed, they are still formed on certain presumptions of law including claimedownershipof the name, thebody, themindand soul of infants, men and women. That is, objectively,what they have been doing for at least six generations, if you count ----and I do-- their outrageous fraud and Breach of Trust during and after the so-called "Civil War", when they "took title" to every supposedly freed former Plantation Slave in America as property belonging to their commercial corporations. as a tenant on your own land, with the State of Whatever as your landlord. Your only way out is to reclaim your dead entity (strawman) that the Crown created, become the trustee of the cest tui qui trust and remove yourself from the admiralty law that holds you in custody. Why do we have one? Russell is a righteous man, so he naturally sees the Truth in PARSE. 2.) how to reclaim your strawman uk. See what you get back. Give Yourself Credit: Money Doesnt Grow On Trees! Birth Certificate Registration Vs. Recording Found insideNilima Bhat and Raj Sisodia show us a more balanced way, an archetype of leadership that is generative, cooperative . If in view of the mis-administration, Bad Faith, criminal activities, and false claims advanced in Breach of Trust--- the Queen, the Pope, or the Lord Mayor desire to say one word against our directives to their personnel on our soil--- they have had more than ample opportunity to disagree with our evaluation of the situation and they have failed on all counts to do so. And they are even motivated and grateful to see your claims appearing on the land recording district offices, because it is beginning to dawn on them that without us, they are nothing. Reverse their presumption that you are a US citizen with an Act of State returning your name and estate to Wisconsin, Minnesota, or wherever you came from. You are listed as a TENANT. Six generations of Americans have been preyed upon, threatened, and harassed by something posing as "their" government. You are (1) a living man, naturally having a (2) Lawful Person (Your Proper Name) and living on the land and soil of (3) your State of the Union. All these seals and watermarks and other gee-gaws serve to identify the "Issuer" of the Birth Certificate, which is the foreign State of State Organization, not you. CQV Act 1666 Russell justifies it in terms of being "correct" according to principles of math and logic, but as he also had to admit --- it's just as easy to lie in the language of math as it is to lie using any system of symbolic communication. And we talked to our friends and neighbors (those who would listen) and we explained what was wrong and we learned more as we went. and, we organized the government we are supposed to have: Your Government. Pulling them up by their own bootstraps and with prejudice is the order of the day. It is established and given Notice in the Public Record that the STRAWMAN is an American State asset. The men we are dealing with naturally see it --- and use it---for the exact opposite purposes. The problem is that they have turned around and seen it as a new secret language they can operate in and use to defraud you. They are writing to the dead legal fiction. After you leave the service, they just continue to presume upon you and continue to presume that you owe them service as a kind of military government quasi-civilian --- that is, if you don't formally give them notice otherwise. And wouldn't that be a nice change of direction? In property law, a straw man would be the person whom a grantor transfers land to for some reason; (sometimes known as a "front") for the sole purpose of concealing the true owner. I know that you are operating under the 1934 Amendment to the Trading With the Enemy Act and that you cannot talk about it thanks to 18 USC 472, but I can talk about it to you. It's yours and the facts on the face of every Birth Certificate fully admit it. You won't pay any mortgages or utilities or property taxes. You won't be subject to foreign statutory laws. Two birth certificates, two franchises for them, neither one of them having anything to do with you, except for the fact that they are using and abusing your Given Name without your knowledge, sending their franchise's bills to you for payment, and otherwise working confusion all across the board. Michael T. Flynn Kick them to curb as hard as you can, and keep kicking. Pay Attention! When you get a bill or summons from court it is always in capital letters, similar to tomb stones in grave yards. And the corporations "acting as" governments that have promoted and permitted any such scheme richly deserve to be liquidated for their crimes. Top 12 Steps to Reclaim Your Estate Birthright Citizenship vs Corporate Slave Citizenship, Our Government v. Their Government -- Unanswered Letters 8 -- Reply to Jayne, Your offer to contract is hereby rejected, Note: International Public Notice Regarding The Dead Baby Scam, LEARN THE NECESSARY STEPS TO SELF GOVERNING AS A LAWFUL PERSON. We are not dead, not bankrupt, and not amused. You won't be subject to foreign statutory laws. The bond number itself can be found on the actual Certificate of Live Birth, on the back of the document. UNDERSTANDING CESTUI QUE VIE ACT 1666 EXISTENCE OF LIFE - Straw Man Beginnings But remember, they have already seized control of your Given Name, which is also known as a "Trade Name" in their system of things, and they have copyrighted it by "registering" your "birth/berth". You present the BC and the two Witness Testimonies to the District Attorney. RUSSELL-J:GOULD is never going to be recognized as a Proper Noun in American English. Time is of the essence and numbers count, as these crime syndicates know that they have been discovered and that their system has been deconstructed, so that they either make amends or are destroyed by liquidation or worse. Your second job is to reclaim your stolen identity. Long Form Birth Certificate Question - Who are you? (House Report (103-826), 11. American state nationals are not eligible for Social Security, either, and you should have never been enrolled. Judges do not enforce Statutes and Codes. The LEGAL FICTION was created without your knowledge, without full disclosure, and unlawfully. A Must Watch, inform yourself on enslavement by the Vatican and Bankers through your birth certificate! Only in the High Court, can the real man or woman appear. ]constructive force. So, now, at the end of all this--- you are back on solid ground and the sharks have to remain in the sea. There are advantages to identifying the foreign languages these vermin have been using against us. So instead of protecting us, these Hired Helpers have operated in Breach of Trust and harmed us. Then you provide certified copies of your recorded Deed of Reconveyance, etc. Threats and intimidation to gain control or prevent resistance; esp.,, actio (ak-shee-oh alsoak-tee-oh), n. [Latin]1. This is a non-negotiable issue of our national security. Next, after enlistment, they declare you to be "dead, missing in action" and issue a Municipal identity --- a nom de guerre --- which can be any variety of your name spelled out in all capitals, most commonly, it appears in military records as "DOE, JOHN MARK". ---- recognize how arbitrary, false, and silly most of this is, like a children's game played in deadly earnest by adults. ), I wish to apply my exemption and also wish for the exoneration of my pre-paid VESSELS and the elimination of this court contract. --- all operated in our NAMES. But did you or your Mother ever knowingly and willingly give them the right to use your name, steal your identity, use you as chattel backing their debts, or any of this other nonsense? Most important--- why do you HAVE TO do something to counterclaim your Good Name and Estate back out of Babylon? December 2018 They lost owner ship of their baby (you) As previously stated, this is not something which they can be blamed for, as nobody told them it would, or even could, happen. There have just been administrators. And never register anything voluntarily. (Your Birth State --- Ohio, Texas, California, etc. We continue to hold the Roman Curia, the Holy See, and the Roman Catholic Church as a whole responsible for gross Breach of Trust in criminal self-interest.